Our teachers and staff are actively involved throughout summer break with professional development and team-building events! From workshops and conferences to collaborative team activities, they’re constantly learning and growing to provide the best for our students.
7 months ago, Terria Cox
Pathways Training
LETRs Training
Kagan Workshop
Good morning, everyone! Chillicothe R-II's online registration is now open for both new and existing students! Also, be sure to download Infinite Campus' Parent Portal app from the Google Play or Apple Store so that you can access your student's info this year!
7 months ago, Laura Schuler
Online Registration
The new school year is just around the corner and there are many back-to-school events planned before Aug. 20! Check out this newsletter which holds lots of info about the start of school as well as SCHOOL SUPPLY LISTS.: https://secure.smore.com/n/a0uw8
7 months ago, Laura Schuler
Chillicothe News You Can Use
Good afternoon, Hornet family! We just wanted to give everyone a heads-up that there will be a heavy police presence at the high school next week for some planned local law enforcement training. Help us get the word out and please share!
7 months ago, Laura Schuler
Police Training
The deadline to register students for transportation for the 2024-25 school year is July 12th, so register your students today! Click on this link to fill out a Chillicothe R-II transportation application: https://www.chillicotheschools.org/page/transportation
8 months ago, Laura Schuler
Transportation Deadline
Good morning, everyone! The Chillicothe R-II Administrative Offices and buildings will be closed July 4th-5th in observance of Independence Day.
8 months ago, Laura Schuler
Independence Dayy
Hello, everyone! The deadline to register Chillicothe R-II bus riders for transportation services for the 2024-25 school year is July 12th. Click on this link to register child(ren) today: https://www.chillicotheschools.org/page/transportation
8 months ago, Laura Schuler
Transportation Deadline Reminder
Just a quick reminder: There will be no Summer School classes on Wednesday, June 19th, and all Chillicothe R-II buildings will be closed in observance of the national Juneteenth holiday.
9 months ago, Laura Schuler
This afternoon a Chillicothe R-II Summer School bus was rear ended in a minor accident. Thank you to all first responders and law enforcement who assisted at the scene. Luckily, all students and the driver have returned home safely.
9 months ago, Chillicothe EdTech
Hello, everyone! The deadline to register Chillicothe R-II bus riders for transportation services for the 2024-25 school year is July 12th. Click on this link to register child(ren) today: https://www.chillicotheschools.org/page/transportation
9 months ago, Laura Schuler
Transportation Deadline
Watch for information to come home this week about our annual Summer School swim party!
9 months ago, Chillicothe EdTech
Hello, everyone! The deadline to register Chillicothe R-II bus riders for transportation services for the 2024-25 school year is July 12th. Click on this link to register child(ren) today: https://www.chillicotheschools.org/page/transportation
9 months ago, Laura Schuler
Transportation Deadlinle
Good morning, Hornet family! We're looking to hire custodians immediately! Please share and help us get the word out!
9 months ago, Laura Schuler
Custodians Needed
Check out the progress that's being made at CES with the construction of the new playground equipment for students in grades 2-5!
9 months ago, Laura Schuler
CES Playground
CES Playground
CES Playground
Good morning, everyone! The deadline to register Chillicothe R-II bus riders for transportation services for the 2024-25 school year is July 12th. Click on this link to register child(ren) today: https://www.chillicotheschools.org/page/transportation
9 months ago, Laura Schuler
Transportation Deadline
Summer's a great time to make sure kids are current on their immunizations!
9 months ago, Laura Schuler
Immunization Remiinder
Just a reminder to our Hornet family - there is no Summer School on Monday and all buildings and the R-II Administrative Offices will be closed. Have a great weekend, everyone!
10 months ago, Laura Schuler
Closed for Memorial Day
Just a friendly reminder, Hornet Family, that our Summer School program will start Wednesday, May 22nd! Summer School organizers have clarified that classes at Field and Chillicothe High School will start at 8 AM, so plan accordingly.
10 months ago, Laura Schuler
Summer School Info
The staff and students in the classes of 2036 (Kindergarten) & 2035 (1st Graders), gathered for a group photo this morning on the last day of school. It's been an awesome school year here at CES! Have a great summer break, everyone!
10 months ago, Laura Schuler
Last Day of School!
The Chillicothe R-II School District's Summer School Program starts Wednesday, May 22nd! Here's some important information about it! Please share!
10 months ago, Laura Schuler
Summer School Info