Congratulations to our nominees for this year's Chillicothe R-II Teacher of the Year Award, which is generously sponsored by the Chillicothe Education Foundation! Please share!!!
about 2 years ago, Laura Schuler
Teacher of the Year Award Nominees
Congratulations to first grade teachers: Shelby Ward, Heather McGraw and Brook Wolf, who won a $500 Chillicothe Education Foundation Mini-Grant for their application called, "Empowering Students through Augmented and Virtual Reality."
about 2 years ago, Laura Schuler
CES Mini Grant Winners
While R-II School students did not have classes today (Tuesday), building leadership teams from all three elementary schools began planning today for the eventual transition to 1 elementary school as part of the planned in-service day for staff. It's a great day to be a Hornet!
about 2 years ago, Laura Schuler
Leadership meeting
Leadership meeting
The Chillicothe R-II Board of Education will meet on Monday, Oct. 31st at 7:30 AM for a special open meeting at the Administrative Offices. To view the agenda, click on the following link:
about 2 years ago, Laura Schuler
Hornet Logo
Just a friendly reminder....
about 2 years ago, Laura Schuler
No School Tuesday, Nov. 1
Our teachers are always learning! Last (Monday) night, they began a study on Ruby K. Payne's Emotional Poverty research. Ruby Payne holds a Ph.D., and is an American educator and author best known for her work on the culture of poverty and its relation to education.
about 2 years ago, Laura Schuler
Emotional Poverty Study
Emotional Poverty 2
Emotional Poverty 3
Here's just a few pictures showing what's going to be auctioned off tomorrow morning (Oct. 21st) at 10 AM in the Chillicothe High School parking lot! There's chairs, tables, kitchenware, vehicles, and much, much more!
about 2 years ago, Laura Schuler
Auction items
Auction items - vehicles
Auction items - chairs
Auction items - chairs
Don't forget, Hornet family!
about 2 years ago, Laura Schuler
Reminder Early Out
Mark your calendar and join us on October 20th!
over 2 years ago, Laura Schuler
Title Parent Meeting
We are looking to add more bus drivers to our ranks. Please share!
over 2 years ago, Laura Schuler
Need Bus Drivers
Chillicothe R-II Classes will be dismissed early for Homecoming on Friday, September 16th for Homecoming! Here's a list of other planned early dismissals this school year:
over 2 years ago, Laura Schuler
2022-23 Early Out Schedule
Just a quick reminder that our staff will not be in the buildings Thursday or Friday.
over 2 years ago, Laura Schuler
Building Closed
We are so proud of our Kindergarten and First Grade Hornet High 5 Buzzworthy News students! Jack helped Ms. Becca load milk, Thomas was keeping his classroom neat and tidy, and Leland picked up trash at recess. Brayden was caught demonstrating buzzworthy behavior, Ledger was demonstrating line basics, and Lilee was being responsible by staying on task and ready at all times. Thank you for being great role models!
over 3 years ago, Megan Hardie
Hornet High Five
Hornet High Five
Let's give a big High Five to these Hornet High Five Buzzworthy News students! Kindergarten - Alden was demonstrating line basics all day long, Valentine was showing kindness and being responsible by finding a lost item in the bathroom and returning it, and Griffin was being responsible by following directions in the classroom. First Grade - Astraea was showing kindness and being responsible by cleaning up, Rylie was being friendly by taking turns on the swing, and Haven was demonstrating body basics. Great job!
over 3 years ago, Megan Hardie
Hornet High Five
Check out First Grade Hornet High Five Buzzworthy News from last week! Maddison was being responsible, Mason was stacking chairs at the end of the day, and Jocelyn was demonstrating work ethic and body basics by powering through being tired and working!
over 3 years ago, Megan Hardie
Hornet High Five
Homecoming week is here! Here are the Homecoming Spirit Week Sept 27-Oct 1 dress up days!
over 3 years ago, Megan Hardie
Homecoming Spirit Week
Bucket Filler Friday CONGRATULATIONS to..... Tony from Ms. Holcer's class has been helping pick up messes without being asked! AND Mrs. Hayen for bringing cookies to share with the staff!
over 3 years ago, Megan Hardie
Bucket Filler Friday
Bucket Filler Friday
Check out this Hornet High Five Buzzworthy News! Kindergarten - Garrett was helping others, Tucker showed great skills today, and Millie gave her bean bag spot to an upset friend! First Grade - Austin was working quietly, Amelia was ready to learn at the carpet, and Chloe was demonstrating work ethic!
over 3 years ago, Megan Hardie
Hornet High Five
Hornet High Five
CONGRATULATIONS to our 9/17/21 Bucket Fillers Rylin was caught filling buckets this week while being a good role model to his peers! Mrs. Reeter's class was filling buckets in the lunchroom by using their best manners while eating!
over 3 years ago, Megan Hardie
Bucket Filler
Bucket Filler
Kindergarten students are learning about Read to Self. We are readers! We can think. We can look. We can learn. We can read.
over 3 years ago, Megan Hardie
Read to Self
Read to Self
Read to Self