Congratulations to Ryann as she finished her Study Island Blue Ribbons! #dewey45
over 3 years ago, Melanie Rucker
Celebrating paraprofessionals should be an everyday event! Yesterday was a designed Paraprofessional Day and we celebrated these amazing ladies. The work they perform for our children is beyond exceptional. It is an honor to have Ms. Renfro, Mrs. O’Berry and Ms. Maasdam at Dewey. They are truly amazing! #dewey45
over 3 years ago, Melanie Rucker
Good Day Families; Summer School Enrollment folders went home with your child today. Please send the form back as soon as possible, but no later than April 22. If your child will not be attending, please send the form back with your child's name and NO written in the middle of the paper. This helps us know how many parents may or may not have seen the form. We look forward to having summer school! #dewey45
over 3 years ago, Melanie Rucker
Summer School 2021
Dewey Families, I’m in awe of how you came together in less than a week and gave so generously to support children and families. Pocket Change Playoffs raised over $3,000, yes, over $3,000 for Foster Adopt Connect!!!! My heart is exploding! ❤️ I want to send a shout out to Dominos as well. I was contacted by their Manager who offered to donate the pizzas for the winning class pizza party tomorrow. We are so thankful. This is love, this is support, this is heart, this is Chillicothe!
over 3 years ago, Melanie Rucker
Pocket Change Playoffs
Pocket Change Playoff for Foster Adopt Connect will continue Monday with: Taylor vs Hawkins Carey vs Howe We are so excited about what we have raised so far. Thank you to our amazing families! #dewey45
over 3 years ago, Melanie Rucker
Pocket Change Playoffs Day 2 line-up Howe vs E. Gott Jones vs. Hopper Carey vs. Davis
over 3 years ago, Melanie Rucker
Dewey Spring picture day is March 31! #dewey45
over 3 years ago, Melanie Rucker
spring picture day
Good Day Dewey Families: We are so excited to be giving to Foster Adopt Connect through the Pocket Change Playoffs. A 9 team bracket was created and let the competition begin! Thank you in advance for helping to provide funding for resources to our children when they need it the most. #dewey45 Day 1 - today Gott vs Hopper Kieffer vs Taylor Carey vs Hawkins Jones vs Davis Watch for updates!
over 3 years ago, Melanie Rucker
Pocket Change Playoffs
We are so excited to present our Rock Your School Day video. #dewey45 Click on the You Tube link below.
over 3 years ago, Melanie Rucker
Look at these cool kids! They received all their math Study Island blue ribbons. #dewey45
over 3 years ago, Melanie Rucker
blue ribbons
The excitement of finishing Study Island Blue Ribbons with a lunch of from El Toro! Nice work! #dewey45
over 3 years ago, Melanie Rucker
Damyon completed his Blue Ribbons
“Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground.” —Theodore Roosevelt #dewey45
over 3 years ago, Melanie Rucker
On Fridays we spend time building a class community. We call it Festive Friday. #dewey45
over 3 years ago, Melanie Rucker
“Shoot for the stars but if you happen to miss, shoot for the moon instead.” Neil Armstrong #dewey45
over 3 years ago, Melanie Rucker
Star student celebration! #dewey45
over 3 years ago, Melanie Rucker
Star Students
Elementary yearbook order forms are due tomorrow, March 5. We will not be ordering extra books so please reserve your child’s by sending the order form and $10 to school with your child tomorrow. #dewey45
over 3 years ago, Melanie Rucker
The Second Continental Congress debates happening today. #dewey45
over 3 years ago, Melanie Rucker
Howe and Gott
4th and 5th grade math glow games. Fractions, decimals, learning oh my!
over 3 years ago, Melanie Rucker
A huge shout out to our Rock Star Assistant Superintendent on his amazing mystery reader performance. Thank you Dr. McMains for going above and beyond. #dewey45
over 3 years ago, Melanie Rucker
Rockin’ Acts of Kindness Thursday. Students checked in on three friends today. #dewey45
over 3 years ago, Melanie Rucker