Dewey Elementary Parent Prize has gone to the Condron and the Gatson families the past couple of weeks. Thank you for your positive impact! #dewey45.
Please attend the first annual Dewey Elementary parent retreat! I promise it will be a great evening! #dewey45
Mrs. Gott’s and Mrs. Howe’s classes met with their PIE Friday. They learned about Inventor Tesla, made connections to their study on energy, and enjoyed a demonstration that lit a light bulb with no connections or wires. Dewey Facebook has the video. #dewey45
So proud of the children at Dewey. A couple new Dewey Impact projects have begun by students leading the pack. Landry will be doing a PSA on KCHI so she called to set up the recording date and time . She records Wednesday so listen for her mission. Aubrey called the Constitution Tribune to see where to send a story. #dewey45
Dewey Elementary Stinger Singer rehearsal schedule. #dewey45
Dewey Elementary Parent Retreat has been rescheduled! Tuesday, March 10 will be an evening you won’t want to miss! Please RSVP by March 3. The form is going home today. #dewey45
In case you missed it Moday, we are hosting another opportunity for you to connect with us with a repeat of our Digital Family Night. Join us at the Gary Dickinson Performing Arts Center from 6-7 on Thursday, Feb. 26th.
Dewey Impact World Changers students are busy counting money for Pennies for Patients. Last day to send money for the cause is Friday! #dewey45
Dewey Elementary Parent Retreat rescheduled date is March 10!
SAVE THE DATE! #dewey45
Join us for Digital Family Night!
Dewey Impact Morningside Mission students spent this Saturday afternoon making connections. #memories #dewey45
Dewey 4th graders had Boomers to Bloomers today. #dewey45
Dewey 5th grade memoir art and gallery walk. #dewey45
We have another prize parent to celebrate! Thank you Mrs. Dillon for your dedication to Cole and his learning. Cole says you are awesome! "She is the best mom ever!" Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your lives! #dewey45
Thank you to Farmer’s Electric Cooperative for the tour, pizza, pie and shirts provided for Mrs. Taylor’s class today. We cherish your partnership. #dewey45
Dewey 4th grade Valentine’s Day parties yesterday! #dewey45
The last elementary school party for the 5th graders was today. ☹️ #dewey45
Dewey teachers aligning programs and standards, listening to the levy facts, winning prizes, receiving a book for the classroom and learning @novel_effect. Please look at Dewey Elementary Facebook for all photos. #dewey45
Who is going to change the world? These young ladies from STEAM Club are! They presented and guided adults in technology today at #METC20. So proud of them all! Please see Dewey Elementary Facebook for more great pictures of these student leaders. #dewey45
Dewey Impact World Changers are excited to announce we have officially kicked off our Pennies for Patients program! Your child will be coming home with their own collection box and a flyer that explains all of the exciting Hero Gear students can receive by collecting money in their box. This year, we are also encouraging online donations. The link to our donation page is below. Just enter the student’s name and they will get credit for the donation. Thank you for helping us make the biggest impact possible! Even the smallest donation adds up!
When HEROES work together, we CHANGE cancer!!! #dewey45