Merry Christmas to our Chillicothe Families from Dewey. #dewey45
over 4 years ago, Melanie Rucker
Happy Holidays
Mrs. Gott’s morning class toured five different dinosaur exhibits from museums around the world using virtual reality. #dewey45
over 4 years ago, Melanie Rucker
Farmer’s Electric Cooperative, Partner in Education for Ms. Taylor’s class, was at Dewey today. A lesson on reading electric meters and figuring kilowatt hours was presented. #dewey45
over 4 years ago, Melanie Rucker
Partner in Education
Partners in Education
Partners in Education
Partner in Education
Reader’s Theatre in action at Dewey today. #dewey45
over 4 years ago, Melanie Rucker
Our Partners in Education are so good. Citizens Bank had students from their partner, Mrs. Kincade’s class, “purchase” items for their gingerbread house. #dewey45
over 4 years ago, Melanie Rucker
Money, money
Citizens Bank
Partners in Education
Citizens Bank
I am so proud of the Stinger Singers and their teacher, Ms. Kapp for their performance this afternoon for the Missouri Retired Teachers Association. I will post a video to our Facebook page. #dewey45
over 4 years ago, Melanie Rucker
The Scholastic Book Fair is at Dewey this week. I am showing you a picture of just a small section. You will not want to miss it! #dewey45
over 4 years ago, Melanie Rucker
Book Fair
When Mrs. Rucker begins a gratitude group, this is what happens! A lot of children willing to be the role model of kindness and show gratitude in the community. There are lot of great projects coming! #dewey45
over 4 years ago, Melanie Rucker
Dewey is going to the movie on December 20. A permission slip should be going home over the next couple of days. #dewey45
over 4 years ago, Melanie Rucker
Movie permission
Reminder to the parents of the Stinger Singers who are performing on Thursday. They will have practice Wednesday only and perform Thursday at the Litton At Center. #dewey45
over 4 years ago, Melanie Rucker
Mrs. Gott’s and Mrs. Howe’s classes were at GRTS today learning about welding. A shout out to Mr. Caughron and Mr. Melton for taking the time to show the children your trade. #dewey45
over 4 years ago, Melanie Rucker
Hedrick Medical Center taught Ms. Gott’s class about the parts of a heart today. Thank you for being a great Partner in Education! #dewey45
over 4 years ago, Melanie Rucker
The relationships growing between the 1st and 5th graders is incredible. So glad for Reading Buddies. #dewey45
over 4 years ago, Melanie Rucker
The Stinger Singers and 5th grade rocked the PAC tonight. I am so proud of the work Ms. Kapp and the students put into the performance. Thank you, parents, for letting us borrow your children. #dewey45
over 4 years ago, Melanie Rucker
4th grade ELA released question.
over 4 years ago, Melanie Rucker
4th grade ELA
4th grade ELA
4th grade ELA
4th grade ELA
Dewey Parent recognition goes to Mr. Daniel Williams. Thank you for your support of David and his education! #dewey45
over 4 years ago, Melanie Rucker
Mr. Williams
Tonight is the 5th grade music performance! You will not want to miss it! Children dress nicely and be at the High School Performing Arts Center at 6:45. The program will begin at 7:00 with Stinger Singers. #dewey45
over 4 years ago, Melanie Rucker
Scarlett creates the program cover!
Happy Thanksgiving to all of our Dewey Families from the Dewey Staff. We hope you have an incredible day. #dewey45
almost 5 years ago, Melanie Rucker
Could you outrun a dinosaur? #mysteryscience in action! #dewey45, @Egotthornets
almost 5 years ago, Melanie Rucker
Dinosaur run
Outrunning the dinosaur
Dinosaur run
A couple more math celebrations at #dewey45.
almost 5 years ago, Melanie Rucker
Math celebration