Look at these Vowel Town pros! How do you become a Vowel Town pro? By learning all of the sounds on Vowel Town, of course! #yesyoucan #youareawesome #hornetsr2 #cespride

Weekly highlights from first grade learners! Students learn through reading workshop and posting writing to Seesaw. #cespride #yesyoucan #youareawesome #ibelieveinyou #hornetsr2

Spirit Week fun at CES! Students celebrated Homecoming with spirit dress-up days throughout the week! And one kiddo even lost his first tooth! Here are a few highlights!
#cespride #ceshornets #hornetsr2

They don’t get a lot of kudos, but we ❤️ our transportation department and 🚌 drivers! We appreciate the important work they do to ensure that student get to school and home safely each day! #youareawesome 👊

Watch out! We have another Terrific Kid coming your way! Whooohooo! #yesyoucan #youareawesome #cespride #ceshornets #hornetsr2

Reading together makes a perfect Tuesday! #yesyoucan #ibelieveinyou #ceshornets #hornsetr2

We ❤️ “read with friends” day! #yesyoucan #youareawesome #cespride #hornetsr2

Congratulations to another September Terrific Kid! #youareawesome #yesyoucan #ibelieveinyou #cespride #ceshornets #horentsr2

Look at this Terrific Kid! #youareawesome #yesyoucan #charactermatters #hornetsr2

We love our Terrific Kids! BIG shout out to another September superstar! #youareawesome #yesyoucan #ibelieveinyou #charactermatters #ceshornets #cespride #horentsr2

More Terrific Kids for September! #charactermatters #youareawesome #hornetsr2 #ceshornets

Don't forget about Spirit Week!

More pics of our littles celebrating Patriot Day! What is better than a headband in red, white, and blue!?!?! #hornetsr2 #ceshornets

Another “Terrific Kid” Award! We love to brag about our kiddos who demonstrate postive character and citizenship! #youareawesome #yesyoucan #ibelieveinyou #cespride #hornetsr2

First graders celebrate Patriot Day with activities! #cespride #ceshornets

Today our CES students celebrated Patriot Day and Constitution Day! Students learned about our flag and our country! #cespride #hornetsr2

Join the CES Spirit Days Monday, September 14th-Friday, September 18th! #cespride #ceshornets #hornetsr2

Kindergarteners practice good reading habits today! We ❤️ to read! #sneakpeek #readtoself #hornetsr2 #cespride

Look at these readers! We are so proud of their good reading habits! We also love that CES spirit as we celebrated #gored for the first Chiefs game of the year! #cespride #hornetsr2

Kindergarteners celebrated the 10th day of school yesterday! Here are more pics of Zero the Hero fun! #celebratingthe10thdayofachool #hornetsr2 #cespride