More pics of Zero the Hero fun in kindergarten from the 10th day of school! #celebratingthe10thdayofachool #hornetsr2 #cespride

Today was a BIG day--our 10th day of school! Do you know what that means? Yep, Zero the Hero left surprises in this kindergarten classroom for students to celebrate the zero in the number 10! Maybe our friend Zero the Hero will be back on the 100th day of school! #hornetsr2

Let's get ready for our first spirit day of the year! Wear RED on Thursday to celebrate the Chiefs first game of the season! #gored #gochiefs #hornetsr2 #spiritday

Chillicothe R-2 to offer FREE breakfast and lunch to ALL students! #cespride #hornetsr2

Students learn by doing in kindergarten math and learn to use a new online tool called Epic! #ibelieveinyou #youareawesome #yesyoucan #cespride #ceshornets

Learning with Zearn math on the iPads and Shake 6 at math stations today in first grade! #youareawesome #yesyoucan #hornetsr2 #ceshornets

What a week! More highlights from our first full week! We even went over bus safety rules with first grade students! #busready #youareawesome #yesyoucan #ibelieveinyou #learningtogether

First full week of CES fun! It is so awesome to have students in the building! #cespride #hornetsr2

We are working on the digraph "th" in first grade! #yesyoucan #youareawesome #ibelieveinyou #ceshornets #hornetsr2

OSMO fun! If you are not sure what an OSMO is, ask your first grader! That would be a great dinner conversation tonight! #cespride #learningtogether #ceshornets #hornetsr2 #makeaconnection

Kindergarten math games today! Students rolled the dice, and put that many candles on their cake! #learningtogether #yesyoucan #ibelieveinyou #cespride #ceshornets #hornetsr2

Distance Learning teacher Ms. Snyder connects with students daily during her live instruction time! Our Distance Learners are doing great things this year! #cespride #yesyoucan #ibelieveinyou #hornetsr2

Fire drill success! Students give a thumbs up after the drill! Students and faculty did an awesome job exiting the building quickly! #youareawesome #yesyoucan #cespride #ceshornets #hornetsr2

This is a great weekend to wash backpacks, disinfect lunch boxes, and wash masks/gaiters! Thank you for your cooperation this year! #togetherwemakeadifference #teamwork #ceshornets #cespride #hornetsr2

Monday funday! Kindergarten students write in weekend news journals during Writing Workshop. #youareawesome #learningtoday #thebestthingIsawtoday #hornetsr2 #ceshornets

Today we had a little playdough magic! Look what happens to playdough when you are going to have an awesome year!
Yep, it changes colors! #thebestthingIsawtoday #ceshornets #hornetsr2 #greatkids

First graders are learning to Read to Self. Books can take you anywhere! #youareawesome #yesyoucan #cespride #ceshornets #hornetsr2

We love our counselor! Mrs. Allen works with all of our students during on Social Emotional Learning strategies! #youareawesome #cespride #ceshornets

First grade students begin Vowel Town! #yesyoucan #ceshornets #cespride #firstgradeteam

Please Read: New Morning Drop-off Procedures and Routes Beginning Friday, August 28th!
Attention Parents and Guardians: In order to expedite student drop-off before school, we have changed our drop-off procedures. We hope this will create a quicker morning routine for you and your students.
Before school drop-off will begin at 7:35am.
First grade students will now be dropped off at the front CES entrance along with buses. Parents dropping off 1st grade students must stay on the right side (Fire Lane) of the CES circle drive. Buses will be moving on the inside of the circle drive. Please do not pass buses as you exit. (See map below.)
Kindergarten and preschool students will continue to be dropped off at the CELC/preschool entrance. If you have students in multiple grades, please continue to use the preschool entrance. (See map below.)
Thank you for your cooperation as we continue to improve our processes.
Note: The changes above are only for AM drop off. We will continue to use the current after-school procedures; however, we have made modification to improve our processes to speed up your child's pick-up. This includes keeping students inside the building until you arrive in the CELC circle drive.
Please remember to display your student tag number clearly.