Thank you to our awesome students and parents who participated in Open House for both in-person learning and distance learning today! Our teachers were so excited to meet the students today! We are looking forward to an AMAZING day tomorrow! #youareawesome #thebestthingIsawtoday #CESpride #CEShornets #hornetsr2
over 4 years ago, Dr. Jill Watkins
Thank you for attending Open House today! We are excited to work with you this year! Our faculty and staff are looking forward to our first day of school on Wednesday, August 26th! Please remember that due to COVID protocols, parents/guardians will not be able to park and walk students to the doors tomorrow. Instead, we will have teachers and faculty members outside to assist students upon entry! In addition, I have added some reminders below. Thank you for your cooperation and patience! #horentsr2 #CEShornets #CESpride #herewego #togetherwemakeadifference #yesyoucan
over 4 years ago, Dr. Jill Watkins
Please remember that students must have a face mask upon entry each morning! #hornetsr2 #CESpride #CEShornets #togetherwemakeadifference
over 4 years ago, Dr. Jill Watkins
Today is Open House at CES! We can’t wait to see your during your 15-minute appointment! Don’t forget—one parent per student and masks are required! If you have not made an appointment, call 660-240-3315 to schedule! See you soon! #herewego #CESHornets #CESpride
over 4 years ago, Dr. Jill Watkins
Thank you to Lou Cowherd for making a some awesome masks for CES! #youareawesome #makingadifference#hornetsr2
over 4 years ago, Dr. Jill Watkins
Reminders for Kindergarten Parents/Guardians! We know that there are a lot of things to remember right now! For your convenience, we have created a checklist of items that need to be submitted or completed. If you have not submitted proof of age, immunization records, or proof of residency, please bring those documents with you to your Open House appointment on August 25th. Also, if your student will need medications during the school day, please bring those with you to your Open House appointment. Last, don't forget that you must complete the Online Registration! Please click on the link below to access your parent portal to complete the Online Registration. #hornetsr2 #CESpride #CEShornets #makingadifference
over 4 years ago, Dr. Jill Watkins
Distance Learner Orientation & Open House Reminders! #hornetsr2 #CEShornets #CESpride #togetherwemakeadifference
over 4 years ago, Dr. Jill Watkins
Distance Learners
We are ready for an awesome year! Meet our 2020-2021 #rockstar faculty! We can't wait to see your during your Open House appointment on Tuesday, August 25th! Here. We. Go! #togetherwemakeadifference #hornetsr2 #CEShornets #CESpride
over 4 years ago, Dr. Jill Watkins
Welcome Video
As we prepare to return to learn, we need your help! Let’s work together to ensure that we all stay healthy! #hornetsr2 #ceshornets #togetherwemakeadifference
over 4 years ago, Dr. Jill Watkins
If your child will need medication during the school day, please see the announcement below! #hornetsr2 #ceshornets #togetherwemakeadifference
over 4 years ago, Dr. Jill Watkins
Medication Reminders
Open House Reminders for In-Person Learners for Tuesday, August 25th! Remember, our first day of school will be Wednesday, August 26th! #hornetsr2 #ceshornets #cespride
over 4 years ago, Dr. Jill Watkins
Open House
Remind your CES students that they can be superheroes & use their own powers to vanquish COVID-19 in our school and community. 💥 EVADE: Keep your distance. 💥 DESTROY: Wash your hands. 💥 DEFEND: Wear a mask asked. (Message: MO Hospital Association)
over 4 years ago, Dr. Jill Watkins
Evade destroy defend
Are you wondering about drop-off and pick-up times and routes at CES? ✅CES Doors Open 7:35am ✅CELC Doors Open 7:45am ✅CES School Day Begins 8:05am ✅CES Dismissal 3:15pm ➡️Please notice that car rider drop-off and pick-up will be at the southwest entrance on the preschool side for all CES and CELC students. Buses will be using the front north entrance/drive at CES.
over 4 years ago, Dr. Jill Watkins
Drop Off/Pick Up
"All for One" has shared activities for parents and students as they prepare for to return to school. Families can prepare their students for a healthy school year by discussing their school’s unique plans together and rehearsing healthy habits like mask wearing and hand washing at home. Check out their Back-to-School Toolkit! Families can prepare their students for a healthy school year by discussing their school’s unique plans together and rehearsing healthy habits like mask wearing and hand washing at home.
over 4 years ago, Dr. Jill Watkins
Teachers and support staff finished three amazing days of professional development and are so excited to welcome students next week! #hornetsr2 #youareawesome #makeadifference
over 4 years ago, Dr. Jill Watkins
As a reminder, all parents must complete the online registrations! This is very important. If you have any questions, please contact us at 660-240-3315. We will be happy to help you! Chillicothe R-II's ONLINE REGISTRATION is now available for household parents to log into their parent portal and updated student information. Please click on the link below to access your parent portal.
over 4 years ago, Dr. Jill Watkins
Online Reg
We have TWO 1st grade backpacks (one red and one pink) with supplies available for pick-up at CES.These backpacks and supplies were donated to us from the Backpack Bonanza this year! If you are a 1st grade parent and need a backpack and supplies for your child to begin school at CES, please contact us! First come-first served!
over 4 years ago, Dr. Jill Watkins
Another awesome mask donation today! Thank you Anna Evilsizer and Kristi Christy for the cute masks. Thank you for making a difference! #youareawesome #hornetsr2 #communitymatters
over 4 years ago, Dr. Jill Watkins
Attention all parents of 4 and 5 year old preschoolers!!! If you would like for your child to be placed at Chillicothe Learning Center for preschool this upcoming school year, please follow the link to schedule a screening appointment:
over 4 years ago, Dr. Jill Watkins
Thank you to Green Hills Communications for donating classroom school supplies to CES, Field, and Dewey! Thank you for partnering with us to make a difference! #youareawesome #thankyou #hornetsr2
over 4 years ago, Dr. Jill Watkins