Thank you to Norma Hussey from the Chillicothe United Methodists Church for making 50 individually wrapped masks for our kindergarten and first grade students! Also, thank you to Mike Tipton for delivering today! #thankyou #youareawesome #hornetsr2 #communitymakesadifference
over 4 years ago, Dr. Jill Watkins
BIG thank you to the Backpack Bonanza team for distributing a total of 508 back packs with supplies to students in our community! Thank you, Jessica Trussell,for your work. #thankyou #youareawesome #hornetsr2
over 4 years ago, Dr. Jill Watkins
Backpack Bonanza
Kindergarten Screening began today! Our super crew screened 38 incoming kindergarteners today! Every kindergartener and parent successfully wore masks upon entering the building and during screening! #yesyoucan We will continue screening Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of this week! #herewego #youareawesome Here are a few individual pics as students left today! #thebestthingIsawtoday
over 4 years ago, Dr. Jill Watkins
Are you looking for the kindergarten and first grade supply lists for CES? No problem! Check the links below! #hornetsr2
over 4 years ago, Dr. Jill Watkins
School Supply
CES kindergarten and 1st grade teachers take another day of their summer break to engage in professional development to prepare for our "return to learn" in a few weeks! #hornetsr2 #youareawesome
over 4 years ago, Dr. Jill Watkins
Lucy Training
Thank you, thank you, thank you! Women of Beta Sigma Phi - Xi Alpha Kappa, donated a Buddy Bench to the Chillicothe Elementary School. The Buddy Bench provides a place to go when a child is looking for a friend. When students see a classmate on the Buddy Bench, he/she can ask the child to play and make a new friend. The Buddy Bench gives students a safe space to eliminate loneliness and foster relationships on the playground. #hornetsr2 #youareawesome #makingadifference (L-R) Women of Beta Sigma Phi: Sherry Parks, Karie Black, Ruby Riggs, Stacie Pauls (L-R) Students: Brax Marriott, Jake Wolf, Baylor Marriott, Harper Wolf
over 4 years ago, Dr. Jill Watkins
Buddy Bench
Chillicothe Elementary School is planning for our "Return to Learn" this fall! The faculty and staff at CES is working to ensure a safe and secure learning environment for your child! In order to assist us in planning for our re-entry, the district is asking all parents/guardians to complete the survey in the link below! If you have already completed the survey, thank you! If you have not completed the survey, we ask that you do so by August 2, 2020. Thank you for your cooperation and support! Dr. Watkins
over 4 years ago, Dr. Jill Watkins
Kindergarten Screening will be August 10th-13th! If you have not signed up for Kindergarten Screening, please go to To access the Q&A for Kindergarten Screening, please visit
over 4 years ago, Dr. Jill Watkins
SMORE Screenshot
2020-2021 CELC Preschool Screening Information: Preschool Screening will be held during CELC Open House Days planned for August 19th, 25th, and 26th, by appointment. This allows each child and their parents to visit his or her teacher individually, make connections, and complete screening without distractions. If your child has already been registered for preschool, you will be contacted in Early August regarding a date and time for screening. If you are interested in registering your child for preschool, please visit the school's website. All children who are 4 as of July 31, 2020 are guaranteed entrance. Younger children will be considered for entry, with priority given to children who have or who are at risk of being identified with disabilities or delays in development. If you have questions, please contact Preschool Director, Mrs. Emily Schmidt via email
over 4 years ago, Dr. Jill Watkins
Teachers are already gearing up for reading instruction for the fall! #makingadifference #movingkidsforward #hornetsr2 Big shoutout to our students who volunteered their time to help our teachers practice new instruction! #youareawesome
almost 5 years ago, Dr. Jill Watkins
We want you to follow us on Facebook and Twitter! Check out Chillicothe Elementary School on Facebook and follow our NEW Twitter feed @CESHornets!
almost 5 years ago, Dr. Jill Watkins
CES Twitter
CES Twitter
ATTENTION: Chillicothe R-II parents and guardians of incoming pre-k and kindergarten students: Please click on the link below to pre-register your student for fall 2020 classes.
almost 5 years ago, Laura Schuler
In case you missed it Moday, we are hosting another opportunity for you to connect with us with a repeat of our Digital Family Night. Join us at the Gary Dickinson Performing Arts Center from 6-7 on Thursday, Feb. 26th.
about 5 years ago, Chillicothe EdTech
Digital Family Night
Join us for Digital Family Night!
about 5 years ago, Chillicothe EdTech
Join us for our first Digital Famiily Night!
Join us for Digital Family Night. This first event in our Digital Family series will focus on finding balance with technology. We hope to see you there!
about 5 years ago, Chillicothe EdTech
The First in our Digital Family Series
Interested Para Professionals should apply!
about 5 years ago, Chillicothe EdTech
Apply Today!
First Grade Holiday Program practice
over 5 years ago, Abby Smith
First Grade is busy practicing for their Holiday Program. They will perform at the PAC, December 3rd at 7:00 p.m.
KC Wolf visited all of our students today PK-5th grade! He shared with us that having a positive attitude & good character is the key to being happy!
over 5 years ago, Abby Smith
Fun with KC Wolf
The K-1 Playground grew over the weekend!!
over 5 years ago, Abby Smith
We extended the asphalt at the K-1 playground!
Happy Labor Day Weekend. Chilli R-2 will be out of school Monday, 9/2 for Labor Day and Tuesday, 9/3 teacher in-service. Have a great holiday weekend!
over 5 years ago, Abby Smith