MS Cross Country at Excelsior Springs at 4:00pm.
MS A/B Softball at Hamilton at 5:00pm. A game first followed by B game. Bus at 3:15pm.
7B VB falls to Cameron in 3 sets.
7th B volleyball defeats Cameron 2-0. 7th A falls to Cameron 2-0.
8A VB wins on the road at Cameron 2-1.
8 A-B Volleyball at Cameron at 5:00pm. A game then B game. Bus at 3:45pm
7 A-B Volleyball at home vs Cameron at 5:00pm. A game then B game. CMS Fieldhouse.
CMS Softball at the Trenton tournament
CMS Cross Country will travel with CHS Cross Country tomorrow (10/5/19) to Savannah.
9:00am start.
CMS Softball at the NCMC Tournament in Trenton tomorrow (10/5/19). Weather permitting. Pool play begins at 8:30am.
B team VB loses in two sets to Savannah. 25-19, 25-18.
7th grade B girls volleyball fall to Savannah 2-0 and A girls fall 2-1.
Lady Hornet A VB falls to Savannah in two sets.
8 A-B VB at home vs Savannah at 5pm. A game first then B game.
7 B-A VB at Savannah at 5pm. B game first then A game. Bus at 3:10.
Address: 10500 State Hwy T, Savannah, MO 64485.
MS Softball scheduled for tonight at Hamilton has been postponed. Working on a makeup date.
7/8 Football at home tonight at 5:00pm vs Macon. 7th grade plays first then 8th grade.
Games at the CHS Litton Stadium.
CMS Lady Hornets drop both the A and B games to Braymer tonight at Danner Park.
MS A-B SB vs. Braymer will be played today at 5:00pm as scheduled. We will use the green field at Danner Park. A then B.
CMS Softball games vs. Braymer scheduled for today are yet to be determined. Checking on field conditions now. We will send out more information when we know.