Hello, March! I think we are all ready for spring and spring-like weather! Don’t forget about those basic health precautions to keep us all healthy! #coveryourcough #sneezeinyoursleeve #washyourhands Let’s have a great week CHS! #hornetsr2
almost 5 years ago, Dr. Jill Watkins
Congratulations to our CHS Lady Hornets! District Champions!!!!! #youareawesome #hornetsr2 #hornetpride #yesyoucan #dontstopbelieving #sectionalsnext #hoopdreamscometrue
almost 5 years ago, Dr. Jill Watkins
Make plans to cheer the girls and boys varsity team to District championships tomorrow evening! The games begin at 5:00pm at CHS! #hornetsr2 #hornetpride #beapartofourwinningtradition
almost 5 years ago, Dr. Jill Watkins
Congratulations to Westley Brandsgaard on reaching another milestone! Brandsgaard joins an elite group as the 5th Hornet Boys Basketball player to score 1,500 career points. The other four players are Justin Bland, Mitch Parrish, Eric Hemmer and Jerry Parrish. (Photo and News Credits: Randy Dean) #keepmakinghistory #youareawesome #yesyoucan #hornetsr2
almost 5 years ago, Dr. Jill Watkins
Congratulations to CJ Pfaff for scoring his 1,000th point during District play this week! Congratulations, CJ! #welcometothe1000pointclub #hornetsr2 #youareawesome #driveanddunk (Photo Credits: Jennifer Smith)
almost 5 years ago, Dr. Jill Watkins
Left something at home? Check out our Grab and Go bulletin board! Thank you, Mrs. Peterson and her class for putting this together! hornetsr2 #youareawesome
almost 5 years ago, Dr. Jill Watkins
Students prepare for our District championship games by practicing cheers with a little class competition! #hornetsr2
almost 5 years ago, Dr. Jill Watkins
Congratulations to Tracer Orndorff for earning a R.A.K.E. award today! Tracer had his Chromebook plugged into the wall and his charger strung over to his desk. He noticed that a teacher was coming by and moved his Chromebook so the teacher didn't have to climb over the cord. Thank you, Tracer, for always looking out for others! #kindnessmatters #hornetsr2
almost 5 years ago, Dr. Jill Watkins
Students in College Algebra practice end behavior of higher order polynomials using leading coefficient test. #engagementmatters #hornetsr2
almost 5 years ago, Dr. Jill Watkins
Students work in teams to prepare for a Human vs Nature climate change debate in science class. #hornetsr2 #engagementmatters
almost 5 years ago, Dr. Jill Watkins
Congratulations to Alexis Burgin for earning a R.A.K.E. award today. Alexis spent extra time helping a student balance a checkbook register for finance class. Thank you, Alexis! Your patience and kindness was appreciated today! #kindnessmatters #youareawesome #hornetsr2
almost 5 years ago, Dr. Jill Watkins
General Chemistry students conduct flame tests to identify mystery elements while learning about electron configurations. #hornetsr2 #engagementmatters
almost 5 years ago, Dr. Jill Watkins
Students collect data from a predator-prey simulation in science class to determine the rate of increase/decrease of predators and prey. #engagementmatters #horentsr2
almost 5 years ago, Dr. Jill Watkins
Congratulations to the Farmer’s Electric essay contest winners! The winners of the Jefferson City trip are Leah Lourenco, Tayler Epperson, and Quincey Jessen. The winners of the Washington DC trip are Carter Allen and Emma Rule! #youareawesome #hornetsr2
almost 5 years ago, Dr. Jill Watkins
Congratulations to Students of the Week Anderson DeJesus and Julietta Keller! #youareawesome #hornetsr2
almost 5 years ago, Dr. Jill Watkins
Students of the Week
The 2019-2020 CHS National Honor Society Induction ceremony will be Monday, March 2nd in the PAC @ 6:30pm! #hornetsr2 #academicexcellence
almost 5 years ago, Dr. Jill Watkins
In case you missed it Moday, we are hosting another opportunity for you to connect with us with a repeat of our Digital Family Night. Join us at the Gary Dickinson Performing Arts Center from 6-7 on Thursday, Feb. 26th.
almost 5 years ago, Chillicothe EdTech
Digital Family Night
College Anatomy students Design an experiment to study cellular respiration and fermentation! #engagementmatters #learninglabs #hornetsr2
almost 5 years ago, Dr. Jill Watkins
Thank you to CHS teachers Kim Kieffer and Nancy Thorne for serving on the Digital Family Night committee to organize Digital Family Nights. These presentations share valuable information and resources with other teachers and parents! Tonight’s topic was on managing screen time. #hornetsr2 #learningtogether
almost 5 years ago, Dr. Jill Watkins
Congratulations to Hunter Keithley! She is the R.A.K.E. winner for today. Hunter fixed the entryway carpet so that others would not trip as they entered the school building. Thank you, Hunter! #youareawesome #KindnessMatters
almost 5 years ago, Dr. Jill Watkins