2008 Mini-Grants Awarded
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Mini-Grant applications are sent to every teacher in the Chillicothe R-II School District. Grant applications were due October 1. Wade Schroeder, Asst. Superintendent, sat down with four other Education Foundation Board members and reviewed all of the applications. After discussion, the Mini-Grant winners were selected based on the impact each project will have on students. Students may gain direct contact with the Mini-Grant by utilizing a physical item that students handle while other students may benefit because the teacher is able to obtain a tool or tools that allows for improved classroom instruction. Ether way, the Foundation encourages Mini-Grant applications that are positive for kids. The last item considered is the amount of money requested. To the credit of the Education Foundation, the Foundation gives as much as it can afford each year. The Education Foundation Committee was pleased with all of the projects and agreed that the projects were well thought out and were all centered around educating students.

CEF Prize Patrol pictured at CMS. Photo by Amanda McKay, C-T
2008 Mini-Grant Winners and Amounts
Nancy Nowland and Stephanie Affield - "MENTORING AUTHORS" - Mini Grant award of $440.00
Jana Shira - "Entrepreneurs" - Mini Grant award of $500.00
Kristy Clampitt - "Picture Perfect" - Mini Grant award of $500.00
Ellen Gott - "ReBag It" - Mini Grant award of $500.00
Mindy Swartz and Nancy Elliott - "CMS Connections" - Mini Grant award of $432.00
Shelly Turner - "Back to School Boot Camp" - Mini Grant award of $500.00
Kim Kieffer - "No Strings Attached" - Mini Grant award of $399.00
Rachel J. Moore - "Instant Messenger 2008: The Elmo TT-02S" - Mini Grant award of $692.00 ($500 from CEF)

Nancy Nowland (Dewey) and Class Photo by Amanda McKay, C-T

Kristy Clampitt (CMS) Photo by Amanda McKay, C-T