The Chillicothe R-II Transportation Department is preparing for the 2021-22 school year. In order to formulate bus routes, R-II parents of students needing transportation to and/or from school in the fall are urged to click on the following links and fill out the appropriate forms by July 30th to guarantee their student(s) will be placed on a bus route on the first day of school:
K-5th Grade Transportation Registration
6-8th Grade Transportation Registration
9-12th Grade Transportation Registration
Transportation officials say late registrations will be added to the closest bus stop, which may not be as close or as convenient for parents, but will allow the transportation department to establish consistent pick-up and drop-off times during the first few days of school.
Bus letters will be sent out on August 6th for those students who are eligible for busing.
Transportation officials are urging parents whose students will ride R-II buses to download the Ride 360 app if they haven't yet done so. This app informs parents of the pick up or drop off times and will serve as the primary form of communication between the transportation department and the school community. To receive all transportation-related messages, parents must stay logged in. Parents will need their student's ID number when creating an account for the app. Instructions on how to download the app and get student ID numbers can be found at the following links.
Ride 360 Student Number Directions
Anyone with questions or needing assistance with the app are urged to contact the transportation department at 660-646-6309 or