Today's the big day and we're getting ready to wrap up our spotlight on our past CHS Homecoming Royalty through the years. This morning's spotlight is on: 2017 Queen Elena Boon & King Isaiah Boon, 2018 Queen Carly Beebe & King Lavery Jones, 2019 Queen Jordan Hibner & King CJ Pfaff, and 2020 Queen Ella Leamer & King Mason Baxter.
11 months ago, Laura Schuler
Boon & Boon
Beebe & Jones
Hibner & Pfaff
Leamer & Baxter
We're still taking a look back on CHS Homecoming Royalty of the past! Tonight, we're spotlighting 2013 Queen Erynn Skoglund & King Elliott Keller, 2014 Queen Jozie Reeter & King Matt Shaffer, 2015 Queen Margo Young & King Zach Holland, and 2016 Queen Maggie Leatherman & King Ty Figg.
11 months ago, Laura Schuler
Skoglund & Keller
Reeter & Shaffer
Young & Holland
Leatherman & Fig
The countdown is on and we are continuing our spotlight of our royalty of years past this afternoon! Check out 2009 Queen Shannon Baker & King Bryce Young, 2010 Queen Libby Kline & King Justin VanHoutan, 2011 Queen Sarah Baldwin & King Jacob Lewis, and 2012 Queen Bridgett Kieffer & King Brice Griffin. To view all of our past Homecoming Royalty, click on the following link:
11 months ago, Laura Schuler
Shannon Baker & Kyle Young
Libby Kline & Justin VanHoutan
Baldwin & Lewis
Kieffer & Griffin
A quick reminder to help you plan, Hornet family....
11 months ago, Laura Schuler
The CHS Homecoming 2023 theme is, "Hornets: Eras - Looking Back - Looking Ahead." In keeping with this theme, we are spotlighting our royalty of years past this week. Here's a look at 2005 Queen Katie Meyers & King Andrew Campbell, 2006 Queen Tara Jeffries & King Austin Sloan, 2007 Queen Sara Mathew & King Morgan Saunders, and 2008 Queen Jaimie Baker & King Casey Pryor. Click on this link to view our entire spotlight:
11 months ago, Laura Schuler
Meyers &Campbell
Jeffries & Sloan
Matthew & Saunders
Baker & Pryor
We are continuing our spotlight of our royalty of years past this evening! Here's : 2001 Queen Monica Hinnen & King Adam Singleton, 2002 Queen Amanda Hardie & King Whitney Wiegel, 2003 Queen Sharla Fender & King Daniel Meyer, and 2004 Queen Cassie Cox & King Trent Figg. Click on this link to view our entire spotlight:
11 months ago, Laura Schuler
Hinnen & Singleton
Hardie & Wiegel
Fender &Meyer
Cox & Fig
We are continuing our spotlight of our royalty of years past this afternoon! Here's : 1997 Queen Katie Stephens, 1998 Queen Melanie Merrill, 1999 Queen Abby Turner & King Reid Stephens; and 2000 Queen Claire Ashbrook & King Zach Keith. Click on this link to view our entire spotlight:
11 months ago, Laura Schuler
Katie Stephens
Melanie Merrill
Abby Turner & Reid Stephens
Claire Ashbrook & Zach Keith
Just a friendly reminder to our Hornet family!
11 months ago, Laura Schuler
No School
We are continuing our spotlight of our royalty of years past this morning! Here's : 1993 Queen Carrie Summerville, 1994 Queen Kasey Bruce, 1995 Queen Katie Jackson, and 1996 Queen Jamie Wiegel. Click on this link to view our entire spotlight:
11 months ago, Laura Schuler
Carrie Summerville
Kasey Bruce
Katie Jackson
Jamie Wiegel
The CHS Homecoming 2023 theme is, "Hornets: Eras - Looking Back - Looking Ahead." In keeping with this theme, we are spotlighting our royalty of years past this week. Today, we're spotlighting 1989 Queen Kathy Ballantyne, 1990 Queen Heidi Trinidad, 1991 Queen Angie Still, and 1992 Queen Garni Fak. Click on this link to view our entire spotlight:
11 months ago, Laura Schuler
Kathy Ballantyne
Heidi Trinidad
Angie Still
Garni Fak
We are continuing our spotlight of our royalty of years past this afternoon! Here's : 1981 Queen Kim Sage, 1982 Queen Lisa Laffey, 1983 Queen Amy Bishop, and 1984 Queen Janet VanDeventer. Click on this link to view our entire spotlight:
11 months ago, Laura Schuler
Kim Sage
Lisa Laffey
Amy Bishop
Janet VanDeventer
The Chillicothe R-II Board of Education will meet for a Special Executive Session on Thursday, September 28th at 7:30 AM. To view the agenda, please click on the following link:
11 months ago, Laura Schuler
Board Meeting
We're taking a look back on CHS Homecoming Royalty of the past! This morning, we're spotlighting 1985 Queen Ginger Gates, 1986 Queen Julie Yoon, 1987 Queen Jan Rinehart, and 1988 Queen Misty Vinson. To view all CHS Royalty, click on the following link:
11 months ago, Laura Schuler
Ginger Gates
Julie Yoon
Jan Rinehart
Misty Vinson
Good morning, Hornet Family! The CHS Homecoming 2023 theme is, "Hornets: Eras - Looking Back - Looking Ahead." In keeping with this theme, we are spotlighting our royalty of years past, this week. Here's a look at 1977 Queen Melanie Dorst, 1978 Queen Debbie Hayen, 1979 Queen Kari Shultz, and 1980 Queen Gina Morin. Click on this link to view our entire spotlight:
11 months ago, Laura Schuler
Melanie Dorst
Debbi Hayen
Kari Shultz
Gina Morin
We're taking a look back on CHS Homecoming Royalty of the past! This afternoon, we're spotlighting 1973 Queen Ann Walters, 1974 Queen Kathy Cobb, 1975 Queen Martha Moss, and 1976 Queen Holly Junckett. To view all CHS Royalty, click on the following link:
11 months ago, Laura Schuler
Ann Walters
Kathy Cobb
Martha Moss
Holly Junckett
We are continuing our spotlight of our royalty of years past this morning! Here's : 1969 Queen Janan Jones, 1970 Queen Tammy Chauvin, 1971 Queen Marilyn Streiff & 1972 Queen Debra Fitchett. Click on this link to view our entire spotlight:
11 months ago, Laura Schuler
Janan Jones
Tammy Chauvin
Marilyn Streiff
Debra Fitchett
We are continuing our spotlight of our royalty of years past tonight! Here's : 1965 Queen Mary Daniel, 1966 Queen Suzanne Older, 1967 Queen Terri Simmons, & 1968 Queen Cheryl Neal. Click on this link to view our entire spotlight:
11 months ago, Laura Schuler
Mary Daniel
Suzanne Older
Terri Simmons
Cheryl Neal
The CHS Homecoming 2023 theme is, "Hornets: Eras - Looking Back - Looking Ahead." In keeping with this theme, we are spotlighting our royalty of years past this week. Here's a look at 1961 Queen Jolita Jamison, 1962 Queen Tish Rutherford, 1963 Queen Barbara Gale, and 1964 Queen Kerry Glover. Click on this link to view our entire spotlight:
11 months ago, Laura Schuler
Jolita Jamison
Tish Rutherford
Barbara Gale
Kerry Glover
We are continuing our spotlight of our royalty of years past this morning! Here's : 1957 Queen Mary Harris, 1958 Queen Lynn Melton, 1959 Queen Barbara Grace & 1960 Queen Sandra Rinehart. Click on this link to view our entire spotlight:
11 months ago, Laura Schuler
Mary Harris
Lynn Melton
Barbara Grace
Sandra Rinehart
We are continuing our spotlight of our royalty of years past tonight! Here's : 1953 Queen Rose Shedd, 1954 Queen Ann Anderson, 1955 Queen Dixie Yuille & 1956 Queen Joan Slater. Click on this link to view our entire spotlight:
11 months ago, Laura Schuler
Rose Shedd
Ann Anderson
Dixie Yuille
Joan Slater