2011 Mini-Grants

Education Foundation awards $4,000.10
C-T September 23, 2011The Chillicothe Education Foundation blew their horns and awarded $4,000.10 to 18 teachers within the R-2 district on Tuesday, September 20, 2011, along with R-2 Superintendent Dr. Roger Barnes. The Education Foundation was represented by Roger Wolf, Julie McCoy, Ed Douglas, Brenda Fellhoelter, Lindy Chapman and Inger Young.

staff taking picture with big check

Diane Holcer and Andrea Dennis, at CACE, were awarded a $500 mini grant. Project: "The Book Nook"

staff taking picture with big check

staff taking picture with big check

$500 mini grant to CMS teachers, Shanda Wagers, Tara O'Dell and Robyn Garrison,
for their combined project "The Outsiders: From the Page to the Play."

staff taking picture with big check

Kari Snyder and Andrea Marriott were awarded a $500 mini grant for their project at Dewey "Writing for Life: Journalists in Action." They are pictured with Snyder's class.

staff taking picture with big check

Title 1 teacher at Field Elementary, Mary Turner, was awarded $258 for her project. "Do You See What I See? Do You Hear What I Hear?"

staff taking picture with big check

Field Elementary School teachers Heather McGraw, Tracy Miller, Gracie Bonderer, Tiffany Acree and Katie Maples were awarded a $375 mini grant for their combined project "Mentoring Through the Use of Mentor Texts".

staff taking picture with big check

Susan Norris received a mini grant check in the amount of $375 at Field Elementary. Project: "Character Counts"

staff taking picture with big check

Savannah Phillips, librarian at the R-2 elementary schools, was surprised at Field Elementary with a check for $500. Project: "Letters Alive"

staff and students taking picture with big check

Sonja Daley, of GRTS, was awarded a $494.10 mini grant and is pictured in the back, holding the check, with one of her classes at GRTS. Project: "Health Science Human Model"

staff and students taking picture with big check

Melissa Englert, Wings teacher, was surprised at Dewey elementary with a $498 mini grant. Englert is pictured with her Wings class at Dewey. Project: "Agents of Change"