Fall 2017 Mini-Grants
Education Foundation Visits Schools, Distributes Funds for Learning ProjectsBy JAIME SAUCEDO
C-T 10 05 17
The Chillicothe Education Foundation awarded its fall mini-grants on Wednesday and toured the district's schools to present checks to the winning applicants. There were nine grants in all, totaling $4,148.87. The Education Foundation expects to award a second round of mini-grants in the spring.
C-T Photos by Jaime Saucedo - October 5, 2017 C-T Edition
Margie Albertson of Garrison School was awarded $484.91 for Enhancing Learning Through STEAM/STEM. Alberston submitted the grant request to acquire some constructive play items, such as a Kodokids balance, Create a path magnetic center, magnetic pattern blocks, a Stay and Play firehouse and a Bluebook.

Shelby Ward of Dewey School was awarded $427.98. The money will go toward HP printer ink cartridges for Ward Readers Publishing Company. The company is used as a platform for these first-graders to publish works written during their writer's workshops.

Stephanie Baldwin was awarded $400 for materials for MATHThe Universal Language. MATH-The Universal Language is a variety of hands-on activities that correlate with the Missouri Learning Standards for sixth-grade math as well as the STEM curriculum.

Dr. Jill Watkins was awarded $493.76 for her high school Composition and Research class to purchase paired text for the secondary classroom which combines contemporary literature and classical literature to increase student engagement.

Amy Peoples was awarded $349.22 for Optimizing Communication in the Science Classroom in her sixth-grade science class. The class will benefit from voice projection for students during presentations and recordings and small detail projector.

Lee Rucker was awarded $500 for a band saw for his seventh- and eighth-grade Industrial Technology class. The band saw will cost $1,600; and Rucker plans to pay the balance from his classroom budget.

Ellen Duckworth was awarded $498 to purchase a Visio SmartCast 50" M50-F1 Ultra HD TV for "Seein' is Believin'" in her high school Spanish class. This TV will allow students to easily share in their presentation project, "La Vida Real" - Real Life Assignments.

Amanda Marsh and Keri Keller were awarded $500 for the life skills class. The funds will be used for various food and products for the Hornet Cafe at the high school.

Amanda Marsh and Keri Keller were awarded $500 for the life skills class. The funds will be used for various food and products for the Hornet Cafe at the high school.